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韩国浦项科技大学Frederic Barlat教授、Jin-Hwan Kim教授讲座通知

发布时间:2017-04-20 点击数:

韩国浦项科技大学Frederic Barlat教授、Jin-Hwan Kim教授讲座通知

应学院臧顺来副教授邀请,韩国浦项工科大学钢铁研究院Frederic Barlat教授、 Jin-Hwan Kim 教授将于4月20日—4月24日来我校进行访问,并作学术报告。 欢迎各位感兴趣的同学和老师参加,可盖章。

Frederic Barlat教授讲座:


讲座地点: 太阳成集团tyc9728太阳成集团tyc9728第一会议室


讲座内容:Continuum constitutive descriptions of plasticity suitable for finite element simulations of sheet forming processes are succinctly discussed in this presentation. Although multi-scale approaches allow for a more explicit representation of the physical deformation mechanisms occurring at microscopic scales, they are usually not suitable for industrial applications because of the quick turnaround time needed for process design simulations. Therefore, advances in classical concepts such as plastic anisotropy and strain hardening are still very much in demand. Actual forming simulation examples conducted in the steel industry are presented for illustration purposes.


Frédéric Barlat

Graduate Institute of Ferrous Technology

Pohang University of Science and Technology, Republic of Korea

Dr. Barlat is a professor at the Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH) in the Republic of Korea. He is the director of the Material Mechanics Laboratory at the Graduate Institute of Ferrous Technology (GIFT). His research focuses on the development of innovative plasticity theories for metals, as well as forming process and manufacturing technologies for steel products. Professor Barlat is associate editor for International Journal of Material Forming, and Modeling and Simulations in Materials Science and Engineering. He was the chairman of the 10thNUMIFORM conference, which was held in 2010 on POSTECH Campus. He published over 250 articles in peer-reviewed scientific journals and received a number of awards, in particular, the Khan International Medal for outstanding life-long contributions to the field of Plasticity.

Jin-Hwan Kim 教授讲座


讲座地点: 太阳成集团tyc9728太阳成集团tyc9728第一会议室

讲座题目:Application of the Virtual Fields Method to characterization of strain hardening behavior

讲座内容: The aim of the present study is to propose a procedure for characterizing the post-necking strain hardening behavior and for identifying dynamic strain hardening parameters using the virtual fields method (VFM) so as to provide more accurate hardening properties at high strain rates for automotive crash analysis simulations. Tensile tests are performed on sheet metal specimens up to fracture and heterogeneous logarithmic strain fields are obtained from a digital image correlation technique. Then, an appropriate elasto-plastic constitutive model is chosen. Von Mises yield criterion under plane stress and isotropic hardening law are considered to retrieve the relationship between stress and strain. The VFM is adopted as an inverse method to determine the constitutive parameters by calculating the stress fields from the heterogeneous strain fields. In the presentation, the methodology will be introduced and a wider validation of the proposed identification procedure against simulated and experimental data will be presented.


Dr. Jin-Hwan Kim is currently a research associate professor at Graduate Institute of Ferrous Technology, POSTECH in Korea. He received his PhD from Arts et Métiers ParisTech, France, in 2008. His current research interests include characterization of the mechanical behavior of materials using full-field optical measurements and inverse problems.

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