讲座人: 美国俄克拉荷马州立大学金晓亮博士(助理教授)
讲座内容:Investigation on Vibration Assisted Micro Machining Processes
This presentation includes three sections:
(1) Fundamental mechanism of micro-cutting process with round tool edge effect is investigated. Mechanics and dynamics of micro-cutting are modeled based on the physics of the process. Cutting forces, tool vibrations and chatter stability of micro-milling process are predicted from material property and cutting conditions with experimental validation.
(2) Vibration assisted machining is a technique to apply high frequency vibration between tool and workpiece in addition to original cutting motion. Surface generation in the vibration assisted milling of BK-7 glass is experimentally investigated. The effects of vibration direction, vibration amplitude and frequency on the surface roughness and brittle-ductile transition of glass material is determined. Furthermore, the effect of vibration assistance on the chatter vibration amplitude in the micro-milling of Al-6061 is studied.
(3) The coupled axial-torsional vibration of micro drill plays a significant role in the vibration assisted micro drilling process. An efficient algorithm based on 2D finite element method is proposed to characterize the coupled axial-torsional dynamics of micro drill due to the warping effect. The effects of helix angle, aspect ratio and web thickness on the frequency response function of the micro drill are determined.
金晓亮博士(Dr. Xiaoliang Jin)在北京航空航天大学获得机械工程学士(2004)和硕士(2007)学位,在加拿大英属哥伦比亚大学(University of British Columbia)获得机械制造专业博士学位(2012)并进行博士后研究(2013)。目前在美国俄克拉荷马州立大学(Oklahoma State University)担任助理教授(Assistant Professor)职位。金晓亮博士主要研究方向包括精密加工过程,微切削力学和动力学,振动辅助加工过程,精密机床设计,并在CIRP ANNALS – Manufacturing Technology, ASME Transactions of Manufacturing Science and Engineering等国际知名期刊发表多篇论文。担任美国机械工程协会(ASME)和美国精密工程协会(ASPE)会员。