受王伊卿副教授邀请,美国密歇根大学安娜堡分校Hui Wang博士访问我院,并做学术报告,欢迎参加。
报告题目:Big Data Enabled Cyber-Physical Systems for Advanced Manufacturing
Hui Wang博士个人简介:
Hui Wang
Research Scientist
University of Michigan
2350 Hayward St., Ann Arbor, MI 48109
Hui Wang received his B.S. degree in mechanical engineering from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China, in 2001, an M.S.E. degree in mechanical engineering from the University of Michigan in 2003, and a Ph.D. degree in industrial engineering from the University of South Florida in 2007, respectively. He is currently a research scientist and an intermittent lecturer at the University of Michigan. His research has been focused on manufacturing system design, automation, and process control by integrating applied statistics, image processing, optimization, and control theory with engineering knowledge with broad applications including automotive, energy system, semiconductor, and nano-manufacturing. His research has been sponsored by the US National Institute of Standards and Technology and National Science Foundation. His research in recent years has been conducted in close collaboration with a metrology company and U.S. manufacturing industries including Ford Motors and General Motors. His research has received the best paper awards from ASME-Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference and International Conference on Frontiers of Design and Manufacturing and featured article recognition of IIE Transactions. He is a member ASME, IIE, and INFORMS.